Do you feel called to the priesthood? Complete this self-evaluation to see where you stand.


Examining yourself using the 20 qualities or signs below is a good way to begin discernment of priesthood. On each of the items, rate yourself on a scale of 0 – 5. A rating of 0 means you do not possess the sign at all. A 5 indicates that the sign is very evident in your life. The highest possible score is 100. Be completely honest with yourself and rate yourself fairly.

____1. I love Jesus Christ and I have a thirst to bring Jesus and his teachings to the world.
____2. I am endeavoring to be a believing, practicing Catholic Christian.
____3. I am trying to live a life of prayer and I desire a life of prayer.
____4. I am trying to serve others and I desire a life of service to others.
____5. I feel a desire to be a priest, though it is sometimes stronger than at other times.
____6. I have had others tell me that I should be a priest or that I would make a good priest.
____7. Prayerful reading of Sacred Scripture leads me to believe I might be called to be a priest.
____8. I am endeavoring to live virtuously.
____9. I like to be around people and I have sufficient social skills to engage others.
____10. I have enough intelligence to complete graduate-level coursework and function as a priest.
____11. I think that I have the physical, emotional and psychological stability to become a priest.
____12. I am joyful and I have a good sense of humor.
____13. I think that I have a “priest’s heart.”
____14. I believe that I have the self-mastery to be a good priest.
____15. Generally speaking, I have demonstrated stability in life style.
____16. People who know me would say I am a Christian gentleman.
____17. I have had events happen in my life that seem to be signs pointing towards priesthood.
____18. I am usually able to accept both success and failure without losing my peace.
____19. I believe that I have a healthy psycho-sexual development and orientation.
____20. I am trying to be truly open to the will of God for my life.


Tally up your score. Looking good? Email Father Raney, Vocations Director at In the meantime, pray that God will help you to develop the qualities that need strengthening. This will make you a much better Catholic man, even if you are not called to become a priest.