We Are Called to Serve- 2023 Catholic Service Appeal

from the June 2023 Catholic Connection

“What you have done for the least of my brothers and sisters, you have done for me.” Matthew25:40.

I love reading the words of Jesus in Matthew 25. In this chapter, He gives us lessons on how to prepare for when the Lord returns, how to be a good and faithful servant through the use of our talents, and how to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and visit the imprisoned. As Catholics, we are all called to follow these lessons, and there is no better way to do this than by supporting the Catholic Service Appeal.

Before I convince you the importance of supporting the Appeal, I will also stress the importance of supporting your own parish through the weekly offering. It is through your parish community–your spiritual family–that you directly receive the sacraments and spiritual growth that sustain your faith.

The 2023 Catholic Service Appeal kicked off in February and so far, through the combined efforts 1,916families from every church across our diocese, almost $950,000 has been given to support diocesan ministries that are used by every parish! While over 1,900 donations is an impressive number, it is still only 18% participation out of 10,642 families in the Diocese of Shreveport. Our goal each year for the Catholic Service Appeal is 100% participation, so we definitely have far to go.

Why should you give to the appeal? Because not only does it benefit you and your family, but the Catholic Service Appeal funds ministries also that affect every person in our diocese!

Did you attend Mass this week? The appeal paid to educate your priest as a seminarian and provides continuing education and support for all of our priests.

Do you know someone who has received help from St. Vincent de Paul Society or volunteers in their organization? The appeal gives financial support to this organization.

Has your child or someone you know received tuition assistance to attend a Catholic school? The appeal provides funds for tuition assistance.

Have you or a member of your family participated in a class for religious education or been served by a parish lay leader such as a catechist, lector, music director, youth minister, director of religious education, or family ministry leader? The Catholic Service Appeal provides training, resources, seminars, and more to make faith formation possible.

There are so many ways that the Catholic Service Appeal provides support to every church and parishioner in our diocese. Your donations help us to strengthen the faith of over 37,000 Catholics across North Louisiana.

I invite you to support the ministries in our diocese by making a gift today. You can visit www.dioshpt.org to make an online donation. You can send in your donation by filling out the pledge form below. All gifts of any amount make a difference.

Your support–your calling–will move us toward our goal. Help us to maintain and grow our ministries so that we can answer His call.


“Licensed and Ordained”


From the Bishop: Where did you learn that?