Preparing for Ordination Season


Among the twelve months of the year, at least in the Catholic Church, the month of May is one of the most spiritually enriching months. A list of events in the “month of Mary,” would be May Crownings, First Communions, Confirmations, Baccalaureate Masses and graduations from Catholic school, receiving invitations to approaching weddings, and for those places blessed enough – preparations for ordinations to the diaconate and priesthood.

Our diocese has all of these in various places, but I thought I would highlight the last two, as we have an approaching ordination to the diaconate and one to the Priesthood. Nicholas Duncan will be ordained a deacon on June 3 at St. Mary of the Pines, and Deacon Raney Johnson will be ordained a priest on June 5 at the Cathedral of St. John Berchmans.

I am especially looking forward to these ceremonies, as Nicholas Duncan’s ordination will only be my second ordination to the diaconate, and Deacon Raney Johnson will be my FIRST ordination as a bishop to the priesthood. My heart is filled with joy and excitement as these two ceremonies approach as May gives way to June this year.

Because of the size of our diocese, the number of our seminarians is low, thus our number of ordinations is also low – but that only highlights the joy as we witness two young men making a life-long decision to dedicate their lives to the Lord and His Church. It is also a sign that the Church recognizes their intentions and judges them to be worthy and ready to be ordained.

Like Baptism and Confirmation, the sacrament of Holy Orders places a permanent mark upon the one who receives it. As you know, once we are baptized, we are always baptized. In other words, we never “re-baptize,” or baptize a second time. The same is true of the sacrament of Confirmation – “once confirmed – always confirmed.” The permanent mark placed upon the baptized and the newly confirmed is given them by the Holy Spirit – setting them apart – consecrating them forever, and giving them gifts to help them live our faith with courage and dedication.

Imagine then what happens when a young man has ordained a deacon or a priest! Once I lay my hands upon their head and pray over them – they are changed forever – changed from the inside-out, and consecrated to do certain things reserved only for them. As a deacon, Nicholas will be able to proclaim the gospel at Mass, preach the homily, assist at the altar and distribute the Eucharist as an “ordinary” minister of the Eucharist. He will be able to baptize, officiate at weddings and funeral services. He will promise a life of celibacy and prayer, and I am confident he will be an effective witness of the gospel.

Deacon Raney, once he is ordained a priest will be able to celebrate Mass, consecrating bread and wine into the Body, Blood, soul, and divinity of the Lord. In addition to all those ministries he exercised as a deacon, he will be able to administer the anointing of the sick, especially to the dying, and he will be able to hear confessions and absolve sinners.

So the month of May is especially important to these two men of our diocese – it is a full month of prayer for them that the Lord will prepare their hearts and their souls to assume, upon ordination, the calling He has been extending them for some time. Pray for them!!! And may the Lord continue to bless our diocese with new vocations, not only to the priesthood but to consecrated life! And may our prayers for them give us joy, knowing that we, by our prayers, helped them ascend to the Altar of the Lord!


Have Mercy


Alive in Christ